Dekalb Medical Center...


Specializes in Telemetry/CVU/CICU/CVICU/Neuro-ICU/SICU.

Hello All...

I'm trying to find a nurse that has interviewed or is currently working at Dekalb Medical Center. I am interviewing with them very soon and was wondering what does their pharmacology test consist of. Is it just pharmacology calculations or drugs as well. Any information will be greatly appreciated. Also what is their interview like? What kind of questions?


I was so worried about the test. It ended up being basic math. half of a 50mg pill is.........

one or two cadiac meds.

some drug abbreviations questions..right or wrong.

the other thing is if you fail you get to take the :banghead:same test again. same questions.

So what is there pay scale like and shift diffs or incentives like SOB's? I recently applied for one of their internships.


I am a little nervous about the test too. I am good at dosage calculation, but specific med questions is not my strong suite. I am also going to be interviewing for them. If I take the test first, I'll post another response with my experience.


Specializes in ICU.

i was offered a job interveiw at dekalb medical center i was interested in any one who has had an interveiw at that facility and how well did it go..oh by the way is in l&d any information will help

Well if you don't mind let me know what kinda perks they're offering and what their pay scale looks like.


Hi,,,I'm currently a Labor and Delivery Nurse at the Decatur Campus,,,the pharmacology test is pretty basic,,,the interview process for labor and delivery was a panel interview,,,,a few suggestions,,,,try not to be nervous,,,,,try to review basic interview questions,,,and be able to speak with confidence,,,,,,,,Here is a little bit of extra about Labor and Delivery at Dekalb,,,,it is a very busy unit,,,nothing like the baby story,,,it requires lots of critical thinking,,,lots of patience,,,,and an occasional drink,,lol!

Specializes in ICU.

Thank you so much for your input. My question is how long does the process take? Are you happy there? Is there any other things I need to focus on thank you again for all your help..I am very excited for opportunity to work with Dekalb Medical....:yeah:

Thanks Deebony,

I have had my eye on Dekalb since I first started nursing school. I did clinicals there and loved it. Labor and delivery is my passion and I would really to work in the new womens center. I know that the nurses in the main building wear blue and white. Does anyone know what kind of uniforms do they wear in the womens center?:nuke:

Well if you don't mind let me know what kinda perks they're offering and what their pay scale looks like.


I contacted HR and haven't gotten a response. :down: Can someone give me some information please. I am relocating in June to Atl and I noticed they have alot of interesting open positions.:D

Specializes in ICU.
Hello All...

I'm trying to find a nurse that has interviewed or is currently working at Dekalb Medical Center. I am interviewing with them very soon and was wondering what does their pharmacology test consist of. Is it just pharmacology calculations or drugs as well. Any information will be greatly appreciated. Also what is their interview like? What kind of questions?


Hi, CRNANUPE I was wondering when your interveiw was with Dekalb County I am interveiwing with them soon also. I hope to get info about the interveiw process if your interveiwing soon, how did it go. If I can be of any help after my interview let me know My interveiw is May 5. thanks

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