DECLARATORY ORDER; Looking for similar cases as mine


I do know that each declaratory order is granted on case to case bases but i would like to know if anyone has been in a similar situation and any advice is absolutely appriciated.

So i have to misdemeanors from last year (july 24th and august 1st). yes i was arrested twice in one week (for the first time in my life). Assault and POM. both the cases were dismissed by early october. NO PROBATION. they were false accusations which were proven false in no time. so no stupid mistakes, just bad luck.

before the first arrest i already had applied to UTMB spring 2010 and submitted a background report. I got a letter saying i was not accepted. with a gpa of 3.9 and so many extra ciricular activities, i just wasnt ready to beleive it so i set up a meeting with the associate dean of utmb. she told me that due to a technical error my file was misplaced, applogized and offered me a seat in fall 2010. well, i didnt like the idea of wastin 6 months but seeing others strive so hard to be in this program, i went ahead and accepted her offer.

i had to resubmit my application and go through the background check again, this time the record was found. now they are asking for a dec. order.

HERE IS THE FUNNY PART. i told the associate dean about my arrest on the day of the interview held before christmas last year. if i was told then to get a declaratory order, it wouldnt have been a problem cuz i had 6 months. now they are starting to make admission decisions. what if they tell me again that OH SEATS ARE FULL HOW ABOUT A GARANTEED ADMISSION IN SPRING 2011. YAH RIGHTTT. I am extremely upset for their behaviour.

THE SITUATION IS: two dismissed misdemeanors from less than a year ago (asault and POM). and absolutely NO TIME in handsss.. PETITION WAS FILED TODAY AND LI FINGER PRINTING WILL BE DONE NEXT WEEKEND INSHALLAH.

QUESTION: has anyone had a similar situatio?. how long did it take you to obtain ur dec. order? ANY ADVICES ARE APPRICIATED.

thank you

declaratory order; looking for similar cases as mine

by saquib

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age: 21

join date: feb 2010

posts: 1

i do know that each declaratory order is granted on case to case bases but i would like to know if anyone has been in a similar situation and any advice is absolutely appriciated.

so i have to misdemeanors from last year (july 24th and august 1st). yes i was arrested twice in one week (for the first time in my life). assault and pom. both the cases were dismissed by early october. no probation. they were false accusations which were proven false in no time. so no stupid mistakes, just bad luck.

before the first arrest i already had applied to utmb spring 2010 and submitted a background report. i got a letter saying i was not accepted. with a gpa of 3.9 and so many extra ciricular activities, i just wasnt ready to beleive it so i set up a meeting with the associate dean of utmb. she told me that due to a technical error my file was misplaced, applogized and offered me a seat in fall 2010. well, i didnt like the idea of wastin 6 months but seeing others strive so hard to be in this program, i went ahead and accepted her offer.

i had to resubmit my application and go through the background check again, this time the record was found. now they are asking for a dec. order.

here is the funny part. i told the associate dean about my arrest on the day of the interview held before christmas last year. if i was told then to get a declaratory order, it wouldnt have been a problem cuz i had 6 months. now they are starting to make admission decisions. what if they tell me again that oh seats are full how about a garanteed admission in spring 2011. yah righttt. i am extremely upset for their behaviour.

the situation is: two dismissed misdemeanors from less than a year ago (asault and pom). and absolutely no time in handsss.. petition was filed today and li finger printing will be done next weekend inshallah.

question: has anyone had a similar situatio?. how long did it take you to obtain ur dec. order? any advices are appriciated.

thank you

I am still waiting on mine it was submitted in late 2008, i had a felony and misdamenor. its now 2010 and im still waiting!!

wow that is terrible. did you try inquiring with the board of nursing. i beleive you are exceptionally late as people must get their letters in 3 to 6 months. application expires a year from the date it was submitted.

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