Published Mar 3, 2018
10 members have participated
5 Posts
So I just had 2 interviews at the same hospital one for ICU and one for Cardiac step down. I went into them thinking I wanted ICU, I've wanted it for a long time. I left very unsure. I did not get a good vibe at all from the ICU nurse manager, she seemed really lackadaisal and the very first words out of her mouth were "as you can see we're very laid back here". The whole interview seemed more about her making chit chat than providing me with any information or asking any questions. She was definitely very nice but I didn't get the impression that she was very passionate or concerned with patients or patient care. On top of it, no one in the unit, besides her, has been there for more than 2 years suggesting both a high turnover and that I would be trained by a novice preceptor. My meeting on the cardiac step down was everything I could have wanted, efficient, clean, passionate, organized, etc. Based on my first impression I absolutely want to go with cardiac but everyone, including 2 nurses who currently work at the hospital and 1 who worked for that ICU over 15 years ago, keep telling me what a huge opportunity ICU is - which is the whole reason I wanted it! My gut is telling me cardiac but am I giving up the opportunity to work with a wide range of critical patients? Especially since this is literally the unit I have dreamed about? Need some serious experienced nurse advice! Thanks guys!
Btw critical care is my end game, either ICU or CVICU.
Ruby Vee, BSN
17 Articles; 14,048 Posts
So I just had 2 interviews at the same hospital one for ICU and one for Cardiac step down. I went into them thinking I wanted ICU, I've wanted it for a long time. I left very unsure. I did not get a good vibe at all from the ICU nurse manager, she seemed really lackadaisal and the very first words out of her mouth were "as you can see we're very laid back here". The whole interview seemed more about her making chit chat than providing me with any information or asking any questions. She was definitely very nice but I didn't get the impression that she was very passionate or concerned with patients or patient care. On top of it, no one in the unit, besides her, has been there for more than 2 years suggesting both a high turnover and that I would be trained by a novice preceptor. My meeting on the cardiac step down was everything I could have wanted, efficient, clean, passionate, organized, etc. Based on my first impression I absolutely want to go with cardiac but everyone, including 2 nurses who currently work at the hospital and 1 who worked for that ICU over 15 years ago, keep telling me what a huge opportunity ICU is - which is the whole reason I wanted it! My gut is telling me cardiac but am I giving up the opportunity to work with a wide range of critical patients? Especially since this is literally the unit I have dreamed about? Need some serious experienced nurse advice! Thanks guys! Btw critical care is my end game, either ICU or CVICU.
Your gut is telling you step down.
I think your gut is right. This is your first job, and you have SOOOO much to learn. The most important thing is a supportive manager, a strong team and a couple of good preceptors -- all things that the ICU seems to be lacking while the stepdown seems to have. ICU will still be there in a couple of years when you've learned as much as possible in stepdown. Good luck! I hope they like you as much as you liked them!
6 Posts
So what did you pick?!
Cardiac! Thanks so much! I'm SO glad I did :)
18 Posts
I would almost always say choose ICU. However, the fact that there are no nurses that have been there longer than 2 years is somewhat terrifying. Many ICU nurses go on for their NP's so that may contribute to the high turnover. I would ask the manager exactly why the turnover is high.
While you will learn so much in ICU and I would normally suggest it, if your gut is telling you to go to the cardiac unit, then I suggest that. Maybe after a year or so on that unit you can apply for a Cardaic ICU.