death investigation/forensic nursing


Specializes in Being bossed around during clinicals..

I have been reading up on forensic nursing, which I understand for all intents and purposes to mainly be things like examining sexual assault victims, etc. I am curious to know if anyone out there who is an RN has continued with their education to work in law enforcement as a death investigator or specifically, with forensic pathology or examination (determining cause of death, etc). If anyone has or knows someone who has, I'm curious to know what kind of training is involved, for instance, becoming a police officer, etc. I'm extremely curious to know if this has ever been done before because it seems like an extremely interesting career-and what better person to do such than nurses who treat both the body and the human spirit?

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

have you checked out the forensic nursing forum under the nursing specialties forums on the allnurses website? here is a link to get you there. you can bookmark it in your favorites folder. you can also get to it by running your cursor over the "forums" button at the very top of this page and clicking on "nursing specialties forums" in the drop down menu that appears. a page of links to more forums on allnurses will appear. under "nursing specialties" sub-forums is a link to "forensic nursing". by clicking on it, you will be taken to the forensic nursing forum where you can read the threads that might be of interest to you there or post questions. - forensic nursing forum. the very first thread is about how to become a forensic nurse and the role of the forensic nurse.

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