dealing with difficult classmates

Nursing Students General Students



I'm having a bit of an issue with some classmates of mine. Our program is only 1 1/2 yrs, so our program goes quick. Between our pharmacology and our theory test, our 4th theory exam and our 3rd pharmacology exam fall on the same day.

We are supposed to have them both on 7/25. This date has already been known about since the beginning of the semester; we all signed the same paper agreeing to the schedule. Our professor was nice enough to move our 2nd exam around so it did not conflict with our last pharmacology exam, but now, this group of students has been attempting to get the 7/25 theory test moved with no luck.

Our professor shot down the idea after the first class vote 2 weeks ago, and again when they brought it up on pharmacology a week ago, & gain shot down.

Several student don't care; a few are like myself and have other reasons not to split the tests. They attempted to have the test changed again, without input from the rest of the class, on the sly to the professor this past Tuesday. I spoke up about it when I found out.

For myself, I need to take the exam on the originally schedule date. I have an out of state funeral to attend after that, from thurs-sun. Relying on the test date, I bought my tickets & they're non refundable.

There was a huge stink thrown by these specific students, who have bullied everyone else into changing the day. Our prof stated she would not change the date if the vote wasn't unanimous. I emailed my professor privately about it, but she mentioned it in class, and naturally everyone knew it was me that sent the email.

I had a simulation lab today with my clinical group, and it went badly. I was given attitude from those in my group, with blatant comments made towards how everything was accommodated towards me and I've messed up the chances of those who scored low on the last exam. I've been receiving rude texts from a few classmates who have my number and at last minute decided the test should change. (I have blocked their numbers, yes)

Exactly how do I handle them? I'm not the only student who didn't want the test changed, I'm the only one who spoke up about. A few students have agreed with me that they didn't want the test changed.

I know this is by far a silly bump in the road, but any advice on how to handle this gracefully.. I'm not trying to play devil's advocate, but like I told my professor, this test date has been knowledge since day one. I, and my other classmates, shouldn't have to change our schedules around just to accommodate the few students who don't want to read ahead.

The bottom line is that it is the instructor's decision, no matter what input she used to come to that decision. It would have been better for all if she had made her decision from her own standpoint without putting it back on the students to come to a unanimous request. In that respect she was wrong, but again, that is how it goes, and the decision is hers to make. Take this as a good lesson in sticking up for yourself in the face of adversity. You may need this skill many times over the course of your career.

I think that students shouldn't dictate what to do for teachers. They know better what and when to do. I would recommend you just to stay positive, study hard and do your best to achieve great results. That's all! Good luck with it!

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