DCCC 2009 Nursing Students!


How many courses are you taking the 1st semester? When I went to the orientation I was signed up for only 3. I have anatomy and physiology, math for nurses and then fundamentals for nursing.

Does that seem right? Am I taking enough courses?

Also, does anyone know when is the latest I can drop a course without being charged for it? Is it a week after school starts or a lot earlier than that?

Specializes in Med-Surg, Oncology, telemetry/stepdown.

there is usually an add/drop date with no charge, it will usually be on the website, calendar, or handbook...it might be within 3 weeks or so. I am about to graduate, but in my first semester, I only took Math for Nurses and Fundamentals. That is the normal course load, especially since the Nursing classes are 8-10 credits each! I did the accelerated Anat. & Phys. back to back during the summer session which saved me a lot of aggravation and stress during the regular school year. Another great way to complete co requisites is through the online Webstudy classes...I knocked out Pharmacology, Abnormal Psych, and a Sociology class in only 6 weeks...if you are able to do well in online and self study classes, I would highly recommend it, but they are not for everyone...Good Luck!

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