Darton College Students

U.S.A. Georgia


Any Darton College Student?

What was your first semester like and when did the clinicals start? I am applying for Summer 2012 and just wanted to know before I pay for a cruise that is schedule for June 2012.

I guess I misunderstood the question. My gpa transferring into darton was a 3.2. It doesn't actully show my darton college gpa. :( Cant wait for nov 12!

Yea I think they start your gpa over at darton or something like that? Mine is set on a 0.00 lol if we do get accepted...do you know how many days a wk class will be?

That's a good question. I was wondering the same thing.

Are you around Albany or will you be moving there for the program?

I believe I will move down to Albany if I get in. I live about 2 hours away


I'm not a transfer; I've been at Darton. I scored low on the A&P...76....ugh! I was so worried about the chemistry and physics that I was told was going to be on the test (and wasn't) that I found myself studying that more than anything else. But, anyways, the test is behind us so now we wait...

Your GPA is good too! Yea, the waiting is no fun! It's closer than it was though! :)

Does anyone know what the class average overall was for the HESI exam or how many ppl took the exam???

I think there was 6 groups with 40 to 50 in each group. My class average was 77. What was your average?

My class average was a 77 as well but I took it on October 1st. Do these groups include The hybrid and other options outside of the Spring ASN?

I am not real sure about that. I believe it would be all nursing programs starting this spring

Idk bc last time I was told it included anyone applying for any program location. I guess we will see soon! GOOD LUCK!

My class average was 77 as well. I tested the end of September. I think there's about 350 students that tested. I was told that they are accepting 120. Has anyone else heard this? Also, do anyone know how many people they accept in addition to the traditional track on campus in Albany?

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