

I am posting this here because I am new here and can't find any HH posts that are newer than 2011.

I am a manager in home health. Recently our wound care center (we are hospital based) has begun to use Dakins for w/d dressings (daily).

Are we responsible for the Dakins just like Normal Saline? I can't find a solid answer.

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

what do you mean by "responsible"? For compounding it? For administering it?

I am surprised they want it done daily as it has the effect of irritating new/healing tissue.

Specializes in Cardiac, Home Health, Primary Care.

I have been told the patients need to get it from the pharmacy. We don't carry it in our stock room. Often times the doc sends them home with a bottle. It can also be made with bleach and water (I would assume preferably distilled and boiled). I don't do much wound care but when I do run into dakins use that's what we go with

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

Sounds like a lot of room for error and guess who would be faulted? I recommend getting all this clarified. Ask the Pharmacist and anyone else till you get a real answer.

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