Cypress College Nursing Program 2016

Nursing Students School Programs


Anyone apply for spring 2016 program?

I'm a really competitive person, and I know everyone says it, but I hope we all make it.

Also, Mgutierrez, it's probably going to come between 7am and 7 pm sadly. That's when the admins who run the emails would most likely work between. Actually.... I just realized tomorrow is Friday and almost everything closes super early :yes: so maybe it will be there in the morning :D

Has anyone received their letter yet?

Nothing yet...

They better not put it off until monday.... If they don't send out the emails soon, i may have to storm the college and break in

I'm refreshing my email every 15 minutes.. Would someone call to confirm? :(

Well a few days ago I tried calling. And I got sent to voice mail for every healthscience counselor and healthscience front desk. There's a chance there's a high volume of callers and they wouldn't answer lol, that's just my guess. I haven't tried again since tuesday.

Good grief. This is enough to drive someone insane!�� My data usuage is going to be through the roof this month.

Well, this has been disappointing... :( :thumbdown:

On the other cheek, knowing that nobody got any emails yet provides me some assurance that I haven't got rejected yet. But, this suspense is killing me softly! :nailbiting:

This is freaking ridiculous!! Where are our emails?!?! Ahhhhh!!!!!!

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