Published Jun 4, 2015
2 Posts
The Situation : The CGFNS sent a CVS validation form to the PRC (Licensing authority in the Philippines) and the school where I went to last December 2014, they told me I only had 6 months to finish this process. The validation form from my school was received February 2015 and sent last March 2015 but when I went to the PRC to ask if needed to do anything or fill up any forms they said they didn't receive anything yet and that I should try to call the PRC in Manila because they probably have it. I did and they said they didn't receive anything yet and told me to wait.
So I waited.
April came and still I had no mail from them so I asked a friend of mine who was also applying for the NCLEX exam for New York (Her validation form came just a few days earlier than mine did). She told me she was already done and that I should try calling the PRC in Manila. So I did again and they told me they didn't receive anything. Seeing that time was running out I called the CGFNs and they told me that the validation form for the PRC was already in the Philippines but the PRC did not receive it yet. So I decided to call the PRC again and told them what I found out and they told me that they did not receive anything.
The Problem: I only have till October 16, 2015 to finish all my requirements.
1.Why did my school receive the mail before the PRC did?
(Although I kinda understand why because the PRC is in charge of licensing of everything here but the my school received it on Feb.,
my friend was able to process hers, and the CGFNs told me it was here already.)
2. Should I go to Manila and talk to them directly maybe that would help?
3. How long does it take to finish this process?
Can anyone help me please? I know it's a long process but I don't want to waste time and I have been waiting since last year.
NursePao, BSN
92 Posts
I had the same experienced, my PRC validation did not arrive on time. Luckily, NYSED still made me eligible. I think the most important here is the transcript from school. Good luck!
Hi Nurse Pao thank you for the advice I'm was worried that I would have to repeat the whole process and it would cost a lot of time and money if didn't fix the problem soon. :)