Published Mar 4, 2013
83 Posts
Have you guys seen when anesthesia hooks up the cvp to the port where you put a triple lumen or swan line through? I think this is a waste of a port and I sort of think not an accurate way to measure cvp. Not that the cvp is the end all be all.
Just wondering what you guys think?
416 Posts
Are you talking about hooking up a CVP to a Cordis?
Measurement wouldn't be accurate, but you could use it to trend numbers I suppose. If you hook it up and have 0 and then give fluids and it goes up, I guess it's something lol.
Not the big line of a cordis. The part where you put a triple lumen or a swan. The same place and a mac.
Corey Narry, MSN, RN, NP
8 Articles; 4,468 Posts
The accuracy of CVP measurements depend on how close the tip of the catheter is to the cavo-atrial junction where central venous catheter tips used for CVP should lie. MAC and Cordis are shorter catheters with tips that do not typically extend close to the cavo-atrial junction. If you are referring to Single Lumen Infusion Catheters (SLIC) inserted through the Swan-Ganz port, I would say that they could accurately measure CVP because they are longer than the length or the Cordis. The SLIC tip extends beyond the tip of the Cordis and can be as close to the cavo-atrial junction as a regular Multi-Lumen CVC that is not a Cordis or MAC. Our facility does not use SLIC's by the way, we use DLIC's which has the advantage of having 2 lumens and locks in place better than the SLIC's. We find that the DLIC's work better in preventing accidental dislodgement.
This website has a picture of a SLIC locked into place over a Cordis and you can see how the SLIC tip extends beyond the length of the Cordis:
Arrow International - combining technology and product innovation
This is a hospital website (not where I work) that advocates CVP measurement through the SLIC:
Single Lumen Kit :: Kit Types Section :: Internal Jugular Vein Central Venous Catheter Insertion
They are hooking it up directly to that white/blue port where the slic or swan would go.
We typically put in a tlic and transduce off the distal port. But out of the or, anesthesia transduces off the aforementioned port.
They are hooking it up directly to that white/blue port where the slic or swan would go. We typically put in a tlic and transduce off the distal port. But out of the or, anesthesia transduces off the aforementioned port.
That is not a manufacturer recommended manner of using that port from what I understand. I would bring it up in your nursing practice committee meeting to start. It would also help to bring it up with the anesthesia providers and get their reasoning - it is possible that they have discussed this practice with the manufacturer and received a green light but I doubt it.
dah doh, BSN, RN
496 Posts
No we don't do that. We do CVP off the line and use a stopcock if the line is needed for infusion.