Published Sep 23, 2013
1 Post
Hi Everyone!
I am a current student at UFV and am taking English 105, Psychology 101, Anthropology 102 and Criminology 100. I realized that I should've taken Sociology and Statistics Math, later on however I have already paid for my courses. I am wondering if this is going to not benefit me when the time comes for the interview and if I do get an interview. I just graduated from high school this June 2013 and have all of the high school classes I need with good marks. I've volunteered for three years at a care home. Within that time, I also volunteered for a few months at a hospital, public health clinic, and many other volunteer experiences that weren't necessarily medical field related. In total, 244 hours roughly. I just would like to know any kind of guidance or words of advice you could give to me, if I do get an interview (this October) for the January 2014 intake- what to expect, if I don't... what I should do. For example, do I stay at UFV another semester and take those other two courses I needed and wait? Or if there are other good colleges/schools you recommend for getting my nursing degree? I'm all ears !! :)
Thank you for your time and listening to my worries,
Medic2RN, BSN, RN, EMT-P
1,576 Posts
Moved to the Canada Nursing Programs forum.
61 Posts
Hey, i was just hoping to get some help.
How did your application go, did you get accepted? And had those classes helped you or had no effect?