Current issues in the PACU


Hello men and women I am currently an RN and pursuing my BSN from the Univ. of South Alabama. I am performing my practicum in the PACU and we were assigned the task of finding a nurse in the PACU who lives in a different region. We are to discuss a current issue in the PACU and get some feedback from a nurse who lives in a different. Anybody from California who could have a discussion or chat with me about a current issue in their PACU would be greatly appreciated.

Specializes in critical care, PACU.

I preceptored in a PACU in Ca and one thing I noticed was that some anesthesiologists would transfer hemodynamically unstable postop adult patients on multiple drips to the PACU instead of sending them straight up to ICU. If a bed is available, why cant they go right up? It just means you are ambu bagging and setting up a ventilator twice. Also, there can be a problem where some of the staff worked only in pediatric or neonatal ICU and are uncomfortable with the types of bp drips or anti arrhythmic meds in these patients. I never understood why they couldnt just take the patients up to ICU. PACU nurses are certainly qualified to do it, but ICU nurses see this way more. I asked about this and they said it was based on anesthesiologist's preference.

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