Current debates in Psych Nursing


Dear members,

I am trying to formulate a topic for a deeper research on areas of psychiatric/mental health nursing that are open for debate. I am looking for topics that are controversial. For instance, there is a general view of society that harm reduction models do not work and should not be implemented (Tough on Drugs govt. policy in Australia which increased funding for enforcement agencies rather than on harm minimization) when in fact more research indicates that harm minimization has more benefits in the long run.

I have looked at ECT, alcohol abstinence vs. controlled drinking, or seclusion. There seems to be a great body of research in these areas. Do you have any suggestions for a student?

Thank you for your time.


Specializes in Med-Surg, Geriatric, Behavioral Health.

Mark, you may want to check out the General Nursing Student Discussion forum to discuss with other students who have rotated thru psych to come up with debate topics for your class. Psych nursing, like other fields of nursing, continues to evolve and change with the times, which can spark many discussions/debates. You may even want to do a search on previously discussed topics (go to the search function at the top on the yellow bar and type in some topics to search for). And no doubt, you may find worthy topics and ideas to discuss in class from the posters who have already posted. I wish you the best in class.

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