Curious about debit from accelerated BSN programs



I will be graduating this spring with a BS in Biology and I am looking for a good Accelerated BSN program. It seems like it is mainly private schools that offer this degree and they are quite pricey. Some of the programs I've looked at would top off at about $60-80,000, and I already have about $20,000 in debit from my BS. I checked out a loan calculator and was told my estimated income would have to be $145,000 to pay this loan back. I KNOW I will not make close to this amount of income. Are there any nurses out there who have this type of debit? Are these numbers pretty average for an accelerated BSN program? What is it like paying back this much in loans? I wanted the BSN because in the future I would like to go on to a master's program, but who can afford it when they are already in this kind of debit. Any input would be greatly appreciated. I feel really stressed out about having this much debit. :cry:

Specializes in Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy.

Lucky for me I got accepted into a state Accelerated BSN program, and my tuition is only $7,000 in total. I'm also taking out loans to help me with household expenses while I'm in school, but I won't end up owing more than $12k or so.

Woodlandstar, I'm in the exact same boat as you. Graduating in May with a BS in Biology. I got accepted [yay!] to an accelerated program instate at a public school. I'll be paying around $7,000 a semester [4 semesters total]. The out of state tuition is $16,000 a semester, yikes! The school I'm going to has a RN to MSN program, where a RN with an associates degree can get their masters. Maybe there's something like that near you? That way you could do an ASN, save money, and still have the option to get your masters. I'm lucky that I graduating with no debt from undergrad. I'm already stressing about the amount of debt I'm going to be in from nursing school. I can't imagine how you feel! *hugs!*

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