Cure for LTC ills?

Specialties Geriatric


Since I'm working on elder care issues while I'm at home, I'd like to ask you all what you would do to fix long-term care in this country. How would you go about ensuring sufficient funding, improving staff-to-resident ratios, delivering services, training administration and staff, having adequate supplies on hand, and providing the care these people are paying for?

Any and all ideas would be appreciated, as I'd like to see if there is a consensus, as well as include some of your solutions in an article I'm planning to write for a national magazine or newspaper. (Of course, credit will be given where it is due.) There is so much that's not working, and it seems that no one in a position to do anything about it can be bothered......unless we nurses get together and make them pay attention.

Thanks! :)

I'm so glad I joined this forum today. Finally people with whom I can relate. First of all I totally agree with getting rid of the lawyers. If we didn't have the worry of a lawsuit everyday, then we wouldn't need all of the government agencies. And as for wasteful spending--how many 97 year old CVA, End Stage COPD, etc., etc., etc. residents really benefit from PT and OT. Or, why do we have to consistantly offer noncompliant residents their meds on a daily basis, knowing that they will spit them at us--I think that's an obvious refusal. Medicare definately needs some changes, and not by someone sitting in an office making decisions for everyone else. I want to know why I can't bill medicare(at a reduced rate of course) to take care of my grandma when/if skilled care ever becomes an issue. I can provide better care for her one on one in my home.

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