Hi Oregon, this is my first time using bear with me
I'm aiming to apply to a nusing program this comming Fall 08. I would really love to attend OHSU, either the ABS or OCNE (I'll take what I can get). I have a previous bachelor's degree, but my GPA was pretty low, ~2.6.
Now that I'm taking pre-reqs, I'm making mostly A's, my GPA is about a 3.7, although I'm not too sure.
I'm looking to apply to 7 programs all over the place...any advice on increasing my chances of getting in? What did you (who got accepted) do?
Has anyone gotten into a program with my similar GPA gap (2.6 & 3.7)? Whats your overall GPA, and pre-req GPA, and what program did you get accepted into?
I'm just a little worried that my 1st undergrad GPA will screw me over. Sigh.
Anything greatly appreciated! :loveya: