CSUB vs Fresno State RN to BSN


Hi everyone! Looking to start an online RN to BSN program this fall. I live in CA and have narrowed my choices down to CSU Bakersfield or Fresno State. Costwise, they are pretty similar and both will take about the same amount of time, give or take 3 months. Looking to see if anyone has completed either of these programs and what your advice would be? I would also love to hear about workload, what I can expect, and how difficult the program is. As with my ADN, I am dedicated to putting in the required amount of work to do well. I do know that CSUB does require a substantially higher # of public health clinical hrs than Fresno State is. Quite honestly, I have been impressed with CSUB's nursing advisor's responsiveness thus far. More info: I will be working full time with a 3 year old by this fall once the program starts. Thank you in advance!

Specializes in Legal Nurse Consultant.

Why do that when you can do it at UTA online for ALOT less denaro?

For a multitude of reasons: I wanted a state school, UTA would require more additional classes, and my hospital is paying for my BSN.

Specializes in Legal Nurse Consultant.
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