CSN Spring 2011 Information


Good afternoon everyone!

I submitted my application and paperwork to the Limited Entry Office today! I transferred BIO 224 from NSC -- submitted the transcript evaluation request to CSN on July 12 and it was evaluated and listed on my DARS report 5 weeks later (not the 6-10 weeks CSN usually quotes). There were 3 "forms" I had to fill out (one of them you just have to read and then sign & date at the bottom). I also had to include copies of my *unofficial* CSN transcript, *unofficial* NSC transcript (since I transferred a course), CSN DARS report, and TEAS results. BTW, I just printed the unofficial CSN transcript and CSN DARS report directly from my account on Online Registration.

I am applying to the full-time RN program with 29 points so I'm hoping for the best! The woman I spoke with in the Limited Entry Office (I don't think I can put her name here, but it starts with the letter "D") said they will notify all of the applicants by the end of October. Per usual, admitted folks will get a phone call and those who were not admitted will get a letter. Good luck to everyone that's applying!

I was nervous also, I had to transfer bio 224 from UNLV, turned in my evaluation august 16th and it was done by august 19. nothing but GOD. Now having faith I will get in with 27 points.

Wow lucky you guys. My transcript eval was logged as received on July 20th, and I am still waiting for my eval to be done. (I have a bachelor's degree and am not applying until spring 2011 for fall 2011 so maybe that is what is taking so long). At this point, all I care is that it is done before registration opens so I can register for the rest of my pre-requisite classes this spring.

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