Hi Everyone!
I am new to the site and will be applying to CSN's RN program in March. I wanted to start a thread and see who will be applying with me and how things are coming along for everyone. :) I have all pre-reqs completed with a pre-req GPA of 3.58. I took the TEAS about a month ago and I passed, but wasn't thrilled with my score, particularly in science. I got an adjusted individual total score of 74.7%. Reading: 92.9%, Math 70%, Science 60.4%, and English & Language Usage: 76.7%. I barely passed the science portion and have signed up to take the TEAS one more time in February. With my current TEAS score, I have a total of 29 points for my application. I'm really hoping to get a better score and another point or two from the second TEAS!
Please let me know if you'll be applying in this cycle. I'd love to exchange advice and information and just connect with *hopefully* some future classmates! :)