CSN RN Fall 2012


Hi Everyone!

I am new to the site and will be applying to CSN's RN program in March. I wanted to start a thread and see who will be applying with me and how things are coming along for everyone. :) I have all pre-reqs completed with a pre-req GPA of 3.58. I took the TEAS about a month ago and I passed, but wasn't thrilled with my score, particularly in science. I got an adjusted individual total score of 74.7%. Reading: 92.9%, Math 70%, Science 60.4%, and English & Language Usage: 76.7%. I barely passed the science portion and have signed up to take the TEAS one more time in February. With my current TEAS score, I have a total of 29 points for my application. I'm really hoping to get a better score and another point or two from the second TEAS!

Please let me know if you'll be applying in this cycle. I'd love to exchange advice and information and just connect with *hopefully* some future classmates! :)

Has anyone tried to log onto angel yet? I have and it shows no courses for me.

Angel will be a PITA until day 1, trust me. They say it'll be up early for us, but it rarely is, sorry.

I logged into Angel this morning too and found just my summer toolbox class in there. No fall classes for me either. I called the helpdesk but they were really no help at all. I was just told it depends on when the professor releases the classes. It's funny though because I remember them saying it would be available on Monday when we were in orientation. Maybe I heard that incorrectly. :(

Nope! She said it would be available Monday. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't the only one. They had mentioned at the first orientation that Angel very rarely cooperates with opening early for them. Too bad :-( I want that syllabus!

I wanted to take a look at the syllabus too. It would be nice to see the assignments for pharmacology as well.

Yeah, it's been this way since angel started! They tell us it'll be open 2 weeks prior, we're lucky if it's open a week prior! You have your reading list, so you're good for that. the syllabus is LOOOONNNGGG, like 120 pages or so long O_o

Does anyone knows what books are needed for NURS 243 and Nurs 115 for spring 2013? When I look on efollett, it says Bundle and I cannot afford to buy the bundle. Thank you:)

I got the call guys!

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