CSN Fall 2010

U.S.A. Louisiana


I had been previously advised I could into Charity until Fall 2011. But after consulting with Charity, it turns out I can actually get in for Fall 2010! I am so excited. So, I scheduled my TEAS for September. You guys out there that are hoping to get for Fall 2010 please post here!

After looking over my profile and possible score, the highest score I could get is a 65....if I plan for Fall 2010. My original plan of Fall 2011 would give me the possibility of getting a higher score. What do you guys suggest I do?

I am worried that the cutoff score could be like.....66 or something like that. That would suck!

How are you guys preparing for Fall 2010? or is it just me so far?:D

Hey everyone!!

Well about the TEAS....it is not bad at all! Math was the easiest part for me. Honestly there was a question that asked you to add 4 numbers together!! The hardest part was the science! They had geology questions that I had no clue how to answer. I guessed for all of those. I would study science the hardest because it was a whole bunch of questions about rocks and sediment and stuff like that that I never studied in school before. I ended up making an 87 and the thing that brought my average down was science!! STUDY SCIENCE!! Ironically, I did not have one question that concerned AP which was crazy to me seeing as how you have to take the TEAS to enter nursing!

Rest your head easily sweet heart because I only have a 3.4 GPA, took the TEAS only once and still got in with that low GPA. You will do fine! You will make it!

I can't wait to see everyone in August as we start our long journey together through nursing school!!


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