Published May 15, 2004
215 Posts
does anyone know the general demographic as far as age goes for CRNA's today, are they like it is in general nursing and getting closer to retiring? I guess my real question is, what will the demand and market be like in two years from now? any one know?
1,093 Posts
don't cite my figures (because i am going on memory here...) but the majority of all CRNA's are in the age bracket of 45-65 and are expected to retire in the next 5-10 years...there are not enough students in school now to fill those spots - and we are already at a the demand should last for years to come
45 Posts
that figure seems high.
"While there is currently a shortage of CRNAs, the demand for anesthetic services is growing and the shortage is projected to be greater by 2010 unless significantly more CRNAs are graduated each year. About 1000 nurse aesthesis graduate annually. There are approximately 28,000 practicing CRNAs, a shortage of at least 2000. The most recent information suggests a shortage of over 160 CRNAs in Alabama alone. By 2010 the shortage is predicted to be 6000 nationwide"
"In 1990, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services published findings indicating a national shortage of almost 5,400 nurse anesthetists. The study concluded that nurse anesthesia educational programs would need to produce between 1,500 and 1,800 graduates annually to meet societal nurse anesthesia demands by the year 2010. Nevertheless, only about 1,000 nurse anesthesia students graduate annually"
"CRNA vacancies up. The number of nurse anesthetist vacancies increased 250% from 1998-2001 according to CRNA managers' surveys. Health professions staffing firms report CRNA recruitment rising by up to ten-fold from 1997-2000, making nurse anesthesia the second-most recruited health professional specialty.
Baby boom retirement impact. As the number of Medicare-eligible Americans climbs, it compounds the number of surgical procedures requiring anesthetics. Indeed, among those retiring Americans are CRNAs themselves. One in seven CRNAs intends to retire within five years, and one-third within ten years.
Faculty incentives help. Some 1,075 CRNAs graduated from accredited CRNA schools in 2000, up 15% since 1997, but well short of market demand. Increasing the number of CRNA faculty through nurse education faculty incentives would help boost the capacity of CRNA schools to graduate more nurse anesthetists"
hope this helps...:)
98 Posts
I believe the demand will only increase for the foreseable future. I thought I read somewhere (AANA monthly?) that the numbers for new graduates from CRNA programs was growing very quickly. If I remember, it was projected by the end of 2003 or 2004 to be possibly as high as 1,400 per yer graduating? Does anyone have this statistic or information? I realize I should be running to the aana website, but I'm feeling rather lazy this Saturday evening....
If that were true (around 1,400 per year) then we are moving toward beginning to close the gap. I believe the projection called for a continuing gap until at least 2010. If the truth lies anywhere close to that, the answer to your question should be: "The future looks very bright for you!" :)
The A$A folks with their ambitions of bringing on AAs via new legislation & AA programs does sound a call to being alert. It is a turf war and we are in the thick of it - like it or not. Control & $$$$ - or one could say, "arrogance & greed" are the ruling factors here. Still, your future should be very bright and very secure for quite some time to come.
PS - If I recall, MDAs & DOAs are retiring in significant numbers also during this time period; thus, I think the field looks wide open for now. "Please do join us!" :)