Critique Essay Help

Nursing Students Student Assist


Hi Everyone

I have to do a 2000 word Critique on a journal, dont know where to start can anyone help me PLEASEEEEEE :bowingpur


Specializes in Utilization Management.

We'd love to help, but there are a lot of journals out there. Can you narrow it down a bit? Have you looked in Medscape or online anywhere yet?

I have been given a journal to critique it is the choice of 2 either a quantative or qualative, i just dont know what to do or where to start

Cancer-related pain in palliative care: patients’ perceptions of pain


Barbro Bostro,

Marie Sandh

Dag Lundberg

and Bengt Fridlund


Group intervention to improve quality of life in haemodialysis patients

by Yueh-Ching,

Shiow-Luan Tsay ,Tsae-Jyy Wang

thanks so much

Specializes in Utilization Management.

First, it might help to define exactly what the assignment asks.

Then, you might find and read each article. Keep in mind the criteria for your research as you read. Also, it might help to follow through and read a couple of the references cited at the end of each article. Where are they cited from? Respectable journals or not?

This resource looks good too, even thought it might be a little too much for your assignment. It asks some good questions:

That info will be helpful, do u think a quantative or qualative paper would be easier to critique Thankyou

Specializes in Utilization Management.

For me, it would depend on the article. I know I have a subject once I can get a pretty strong feeling about what I'm reading.

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