how to credit college class for license CEU


How can I credit my classes into my license CEU?

I am in the RN to BSN program and I heard that I dont really need to do a lot of CE?

Is it possible in the first place?

I heard that I can use my bsn classes credits to fulfill the ce requirement, but how?

this is for my FLorida license.

Specializes in ICU, LTACH, Internal Medicine.

Go to your secretary or clinical coordinator and ask. In Michigan, one just have to provide evidence of so many credits of "X" level taken (i.e. print the "running audit"). It may be different in Florida. And keep in mind that different academic level classes may cover correspondingly different number of CE units (again, in Michigan 1 undergrad credit worths 2 CEs or so, while 1 grad credit equals about 4 of them).

I contacted the CE broker for the FLorida BON and I found out that I can use college classes as CE and i jjust needed to report to them my transcript. a college class with 3 credit per semester is equivalent to 45Hours CE. I've taken 6 classes this year so far, and I have more than enough general CEs. LOL.

now i just need to do the state required CEs.

Specializes in ICU, LTACH, Internal Medicine.

now i just need to do the state required CEs.

Ask about it as well. Again, I do not know about Florida, but in Michigan, if you take, say, pharm and it includes pain meds, then it covers State-required 1 CE unit in "pain management". In other states, if you workplace makes you taking "abuse recognition/reporting" class (mandatory for ER, LTC and many other specialties), it covers required CE as well.

Don't spend your muneys unless you have absolutely no other choice :yes:

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