Published Mar 11, 2009
1 Post
I need some help coming up with a game or puzzle for the 12 cranial nerves. the project is supposed to be used by anyone to help them study. anyone have any ideas ill take anything?. I promise i won't think they are dumb.
52 Posts
This isn't really a game or puzzle, however I thought it was a corky and fun song/hand movements that helped me & all my friends to remember the cranial nerves. Type in "cranial nerve song" in google > then go to video. It's the first one (25 seconds long), the one right after that (3 minutes) is pretty awesome too (the fact that they could even make a song that long about cranial nerves). Maybe you could teach this to them to do?
46 Posts
Maybe you can create a crossword puzzle or Jeopardy type game. Google jeopardy templates. It should be easy, my daughter did one for math in 5th grade.
507 Posts
Well, my professor, Dr. Allen taught us this to remember the cranial nerves: Oh, Oh,Oh To Touch And Feel Very Good Velvet Aah Heaven. The first letter being the first letter of the nerve of course. I don't know if that will help, but there it is:D