CPNRE May/June 2017


Has anyone gotten any results yet?

Not yet. I wrote May 24 . Still waiting

I wrote May 24 as well. This wait is killing me ...

Wow! Awesome...

Wrote may 23 and also haven't heard anything! This is torture!

I just heard today via email from CLPNNS in Nova Scotia. I passed. I hope you all hear soon! I wrote my exam on May 23rd.

Wrote June 17th, waiting is killing me.

Mine was on the 14th of June & the wait is killing me, don't know how I'll make it till the results are out. I think Alberta will be getting theirs by Thursday or Friday since Nova Scotia got their's today.

I also wrote mine on 10th of june in Edmonton.I hope we all pass.The waiting is too long

I wrote on May 24th in Alberta and I got my results this morning, however it was not through email I logged into my clpna account and looked under my profile and it was posted there!

I just logged into my CLPNA account and my results are there - PASS!!!! I can't believe it! I I hope everyone passes!!

Congrats jlucier and rawellman for passing... I pray I see a pass when mine is out too.

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