Published Nov 17, 2005
12 Posts
Can anyone give me tips on how to write a cover letter. The internet is full of samples, but none seem to fit international nurses.
How do you include that you would like the hospital to petiton you for the Green Card?
Can you come up something?
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
First, you find out if the hospital does petitioning before you even apply to the facility, then it doesn't need to be included in the cover letter. Otherwise it looks like you are picking that facility only on the grounds that it will help with the green card, and that is not the way to go.
I know that the hospital I've chosen does sponsor foreign nurses. It's even stated on their website. But shouldn't they , in some way, know that I also want them to petition me? I mean, that they should know that I'll be able to start working for them not earlier than in one year or even more?
If your letter has your address, then they are going to know that you are not in the US. And you will have to go thru the immigration procedure.
My advice is not to include it in your cover letter. You want them to be interested in you, not that you want them because they will petition.