

Any of you work contingent?

I don't know if this is how it is at all hospitals, but the one that I work at, if you work contingent, you get no benefits.

The problem is, my husband owns his own business so my job provides our insurance.

What I am wondering is if anyone else is in the same boat, and is there a affordable good health insurance out there that works for you?

Thanks for all your help!

Specializes in ICU.

I am assuming contingent is the same as per diem or registry. If that is the case, then you would be the first one cancelled should you not be needed. Depending on your area, you may not have a steady income if that is what you are looking for. In other areas, you will not have a problem at all. If you are planning on working full time, I would suggest getting a full time position that includes health insurance. Per diem positions usually get paid more, but then you end up spending that extra money plus some on insurance premiums if you need to provide insurance for yourself/family.

Specializes in Emergency & Trauma/Adult ICU.

Contingent/casual/per diem/PRN pool positions do not provide benefits, and usually pay a higher hourly rate. That's the trade-off: higher hourly rate & some additional scheduling flexibility in exchange for some uncertainty and no benefits. If your husband's employment does not provide benefits, this may not work well in your situation and you might want to think about a full-time position with benefits.

I know of single nurses who work casual, but work enough hours that they are able to afford their own health insurance coverage. But coverage for a family gets very expensive, very quickly. It's expensive for employers too.

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