Contacting TX BON for Declaratory order


Specializes in Neuro/EMU, Pediatrics, Med Surg.

I am a pre nursing student who has put in applications for nursing programs to start Spring 2014.

In 2006 I was arrested for drunk driving. I completed my classes, paid my fine, and finished probation. In Feb 2013 I sent my declaratory order and all needed documents (court papers, etc) to the board. It was received and the check for fee was cashed that same month.

It is Sept 2013 and I have not heard anything. I call the BON number (ends in 7400) and if I am lucky to get through, I press 0 to speak with a rep. However, every time, the automated machine comes back and says "the line is busy, please try again later."

I even emailed the webmaster contact on their site and got no response. Any one know how I find out the status of my declaratory order? I know it will be crucial if I am accepted to a program.

Any info would be greatly appreciated!!

I was definitely having the same issue. There was a problem getting my fingerprints to them. You have to keep hanging on the line, sometimes for 10-15+ minutes. If you haven't heard anything by now I am sure there was a hiccup with something, so I would definitely recommend trying to get ahold of them.

Specializes in Neuro/EMU, Pediatrics, Med Surg.

Thank you! I FINALLY got through!! The fingerprinting was the hold-up. The BON didn't receive them so I will get them redone.

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