Published Feb 25, 2015
1 Post
Hello, everyone.
I'm currently in my Junior year of high school and I am considering becoming an RN in the future. I have a few questions...
1. Is it a good idea to start studying medical stuff (anatomy, medical term., etc.) now?
2. Is it possible to work a part-time job while in nursing school, or is that too much added pressure?
3. What are good healthcare majors other than nursing that can be pursued in the same amount of time as a BSN?
4. I'm really struggling with deciding what to do. Everything I could possibly want to do is either not in demand or doesn't pay well, other than nursing. I find the sciences and things related to health/the body to be interesting, and I love helping people, which is why I feel nursing might be for me, but I don't do well with high stress... Do you all have any tips? Is nursing really worth it? Any other similar careers that you would reccomend?
Responses are greatly appreciated. Thank you.
334 Posts
Any studying you do early is good :)
I worked full time the whole time that I was in college and graduated nursing school just fine! Now, did I have a social life? Nope. Was it hard to not see my husband and baby as much as I wanted to? Yup. Was it worth it? Absolutely. Every freaking minute :)
Just put your mind to it and you can do anything.
I'm not telling you it's going to be easy, I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.
Author: Art Williams