Confused about nursing diagnosis....


Hi All,

Working on a care plan for my med-surge rotation and am confused about choosing a nursing diagnosis. My patient is cancer patient who was admitted to the hospital after developing a subclavian DVT (caused from her pic line, she said). So of course I have abnormal data and symptoms (pain in arm, discoloration, warmth, etc) and she is on Lovenox and warfarin. In discussing our cases at the end of the day, my instructor agreed with my diagnosis of risk for injury. Now as I am writing the care plan I am unsure what to put as my related factor or evidenced by. I thought we were saying she was at risk for injury "from the clot being dislodged", but when I look up info for this particular diagnosis, it seems the risk in from being on anticoagulants.

So I am quite confused now about my diagnosis. Any help would be appreciated.


Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

dvt from a picc are actually common. focus your diagnosis on what your patients complaint is and what complication may arise from treatment. so with a dvt.....think of

ineffective tissue perfusion: peripheral

acute pain: affected extremity

risk for impaired tissue integrity

potential complications

pulmonary embolism


deficient knowledge, ineffective therapeutic regimen management, or ineffective health maintenance

care plan basics:

every single nursing diagnosis has its own set of symptoms, or defining characteristics. they are listed in the nanda taxonomy and in many of the current nursing care plan books that are currently on the market that include nursing diagnosis information. you need to have access to these books when you are working on care plans. there are currently 188 nursing diagnoses that nanda has defined and given related factors and defining characteristics for. what you need to do is get this information to help you in writing care plans so you diagnose your patients correctly.

don't focus your efforts on the nursing diagnoses when you should be focusing on the assessment and the patients abnormal data that you collected. these will become their symptoms, or what nanda calls defining characteristics.

here are the steps of the nursing process and what you should be doing in each step when you are doing a written care plan:

  1. assessment (collect data from medical record, do a physical assessment of the patient, assess adls, look up information about your patient's medical diseases/conditions to learn about the signs and symptoms and pathophysiology)
  2. determination of the patient's problem(s)/nursing diagnosis (make a list of the abnormal assessment data, match your abnormal assessment data to likely nursing diagnoses, decide on the nursing diagnoses to use)
  3. planning (write measurable goals/outcomes and nursing interventions)
  4. implementation (initiate the care plan)
  5. evaluation (determine if goals/outcomes have been met)

now, listen up, because what i am telling you next is very important information and is probably going to change your whole attitude about care plans and the nursing process. . .a care plan is nothing more than the written documentation of the nursing process you use to solve one or more of a patient's nursing problems. the nursing process itself is a problem solving method that was extrapolated from the scientific method used by the various science disciplines in proving or disproving theories. one of the main goals every nursing school wants its rns to learn by graduation is how to use the nursing process to solve patient problems.

care plan reality: the foundation of any care plan is the signs, symptoms or responses that patient is having to what is happening to them. what is happening to them could be a medical disease, a physical condition, a failure to be able to perform adls (activities of daily living), or a failure to be able to interact appropriately or successfully within their environment. therefore, one of your primary aims as a problem solver is to collect as much data as you can get your hands on. the more the better. you have to be a detective and always be on the alert and lookout for clues. at all times. and that is within the spirit of step #1 of this whole nursing process.

assessment is an important skill. it will take you a long time to become proficient in assessing patients. assessment not only includes doing the traditional head-to-toe exam, but also listening to what patients have to say and questioning them. history can reveal import clues. it takes time and experience to know what questions to ask to elicit good answers. part of this assessment process is knowing the pathophysiology of the medical disease or condition that the patient has. but, there will be times that this won't be known. just keep in mind that you have to be like a nurse detective always snooping around and looking for those clues.

a nursing diagnosis standing by itself means nothing. the meat of this care plan of yours will lie in the abnormal data (symptoms) that you collected during your assessment of this patient. in order for you to pick any nursing diagnoses for a patient you need to know what the patient's symptoms are.

what i would suggest you do is to work the nursing process from step #1. take a look at the information you collected on the patient during your physical assessment and review of their medical record. start making a list of abnormal data which will now become a list of their symptoms. don't forget to include an assessment of their ability to perform adls (because that's what we nurses shine at). the adls are bathing, dressing, transferring from bed or chair, walking, eating, toilet use, and grooming. and, one more thing you should do is to look up information about symptoms that stand out to you. what is the physiology and what are the signs and symptoms (manifestations) you are likely to see in the patient. did you miss any of the signs and symptoms in the patient? if so, now is the time to add them to your list. this is all part of preparing to move onto step #2 of the process which is determining your patient's problem and choosing nursing diagnoses. but, you have to have those signs, symptoms and patient responses to back it all up.

care plan reality: what you are calling a nursing diagnosis (ex: activity intolerance) is actually a shorthand label for the patient problem. the patient problem is more accurately described in the definition of this nursing diagnosis (every nanda nursing diagnosis has a definition).

activity intolerance
(page 3,
nanda-i nursing diagnoses: definitions & classification 2007-2008

insufficient physiological or psychological energy to endure or complete required or desired daily activities

(does this sound like your patient's problem?)

defining characteristics (symptoms):
abnormal blood pressure response to activity, abnormal heart rate to activity, electrocardiographic changes reflecting arrhythmias, electrocardiographic changes reflecting ischemia, exertional discomfort, exertional dyspnea, verbal report of fatigue, verbal report of weakness

related factors (etiology):
bed rest, generalized weakness, imbalance between oxygen supply and demand, immobility, sedentary lifestyle

i've just listed above all the nanda information on the diagnosis of activity intolerance from the taxonomy. only you know this patient and can assess whether this diagnosis fits with your patient's problem since you posted no other information.

in order to choose nursing diagnoses, you also need to have some sort of nursing diagnosis reference. there is some free information on the internet but it is limited to about 75 of the most commonly used nursing diagnoses. so you will need some sort of reference book. i like this one (i have no affiliation) [h=1]nursing care plans: diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes [paperback] [/h][color=#004b91]meg gulanick (author), [color=#004b91]judith l. myers (author) nursing care plans: diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes (9780323065375): meg gulanick, judith l. myers: books

one more thing . . . care plan reality: nursing diagnoses, nursing interventions and goals are all based upon the patient's symptoms, or defining characteristics. they are all linked together with each other to form a nice related circle of cause and effect.

you really shouldn't focus too much time on the nursing diagnoses. most of your focus should really be on gathering together the symptoms the patient has because the entire care plan is based upon them. the nursing diagnosis is only one small part of the care plan and to focus so much time and energy on it takes away from the remainder of the work that needs to be done on the care plan.

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