

I put this thread in the pre-nursing forum also, so please forgive me, just trying to get different perspectives----

I am still doing my pre-reqs(just finishing up A&PII and then micro left). I am finding myself not having any confidence in becoming a nurse. I make good grades in my classes, but I don't know if I am absorbing the information. I am unable to explain things on what I have learned to someone else. I do great on paper, but I know that's not enough.

so my question is, will this change once I get into the program, because I will be doing more hands on? has anyone felt this way and then gotten into the program and felt better equipped?

Others might have other opinions but I personally haven't used much of my core sciences so far in nursing school. I am still only in my first semester though. That being said, your sciences are part of your foundation. My text does review relevant a&p at the beginning of each chapter just as a refresher. Don't worry though. Nobody is going to ask you to identify some obscure bone or do a gram stain. I personally think we take the science classes to round out our education

I personally haven't used much of my core sciences so far in nursing school. I am still only in my first semester though.

I personally think we take the science classes to round out our education

What exactly do you consider "core science"? And what classes are you in that you aren't finding the science courses useful?

I mean I get it if you're taking leadership or management classes. But fundamentals is built on A&P and micro. There is no way that science is used to round out your eduction. Science is what nursing is built on.

OP you should consider going over the material until you know it well enough to explain it. Teach anyone who will listen.

I found using the Bozeman Science videos on YouTube to learn the systems and physiology to be really helpful.

If you don't know the A&P you will not be able to move on to the harder material, pharmacology, med/surg, peds etc.

Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care.

Good day:

In our program, we do utilize what we've learned in our prerequisites over time. Yet, as fast paced is our classes (we have 6+1 mini-semesters vs. full semesters), we are still able to review and fill in weak spots. Confidence developer over time; be patient with yourself.

What exactly do you consider "core science"? And what classes are you in that you aren't finding the science courses useful?

I mean I get it if you're taking leadership or management classes. But fundamentals is built on A&P and micro. There is no way that science is used to round out your eduction. Science is what nursing is built on.

OP you should consider going over the material until you know it well enough to explain it. Teach anyone who will listen.

I found using the Bozeman Science videos on YouTube to learn the systems and physiology to be really helpful.

If you don't know the A&P you will not be able to move on to the harder material, pharmacology, med/surg, peds etc.

I was referring to my A&P, Micro, Nutrition, Chemistry, etc. Certain parts have been useful, but never have I had to explain the physiology of anything to anyone. Chemistry has been useful for calculations, nutrition useful for the various diets and types of feedings, and parts of A&P have been helpful. But I don't think op needs to be worried that they can't regurgitate their core sciences 100% on demand. At least with my experience, our books and teachers highlite what is necessary. For instance we are doing oxygenation and part of our lecture and chapter was spent reviewing parts of heart, lungs, pathway of air and Blood etc.

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