Published Apr 23, 2004
127 Posts
i will be graduating from nursing school in may. the hospital i would like to work at only has 3 openings in the NICU. for those of you already work in the NICU, do you have any tips or hints as to how to impress the interviewers? i know that they will be asking critical thinking clinical questions tho.
406 Posts
Just be honest. There are no tricks to getting the job, but let them know you are truly interested, and eager to learn. Read about everything you can, and have apositive attitude. Good luck!!
Gompers, BSN, RN
2,691 Posts
I know it's hard to know for sure before you start working, but if you think you plan to stay in the NICU for a long time, say that during the interview. Half of the nurses we've hired over the past five years have already left. It costs time and money to orient new grads to any ICU, so the bosses like to believe that they're investing wisely. Good luck!
13 Posts
I agree with everyone else, just wanted to add, when asked, " Why the NICU?", DO NOT say, "Because I love babies". That is the worst answer to give. Say something that you truly feel. Take time to think about WHY (NICU) now, before the interview. 9 times out of 10, you will be asked this question. In a nutshell, be yourself, think before you answer, and maintain eye contact. I pray this helps. Good Luck!
I agree with everyone else, just wanted to add, when asked, " Why the NICU?", DO NOT say, "Because I love babies". That is the worst answer to give. Say something that you truly feel. Take time to think about WHY (NICU) now, before the interview. 9 times out of 10, you will be asked this question.
EXCELLENT advice!!!
Personally, I went with the "I am intrigued by the medicine and technology used in neonatalogy today, and amazed by the amount of strength and resilience these tiny babies have" answer. (Not B.S. either, I really felt this way, and still do!)