$$$ Compensation for not completing OR orientation


Hello folks I need to hear from you all about this, I have posted previously wanting to know what shifts were out there since I am currently 5 months into my 10 month long orientation. I approached my nurse mgr about working flex shifts b/c I am working on my BSN. She declined stating I would not learn anything from working past 3PM--- this is a trauma/burn with rooms constantly running past posted time, a teaching facility with residents and day long hernia repairs and a 24 hour OR staff. I have previous OR exp. 3.5 yrs as an LPN scrubbed everything except open heart prior to becoming an RN. I did not market myself as an experienced OR nurse b/c i did not circulate as an LPN and wanted a strong orientation --- but I see that a bovie is still a bovie--- a kelly is still a kelly--- and I'm still planning for lunch once specimen is passed off--:rotfl: . So I'm a bit more advanced than the other orientees. Point is if I don't complete orientation I have to pay back some money I am sentenced to this joint until 2008 on a fixed 7-3:30 mon thru fri :angryfire I worked nites 3/12's for the past 2 yrs --- and agreed to this job under the impression the hours were flexible. I didn't realize flexible meant after working 7-3:30 being called back for "call" thru the nite and expected to perform the next morning @ 7am. My dilemma is I won't be able to finish my BSN working here until 2008. Online classes not an option ---- I need the structure of the classroom.

Thanking you in advance for your replies

I had a similar problem. I needed flexibility in my schedule due to family issues and asked for that flexibility. Unfortunately, my employer was unwilling or unable to accomodate me and I was a bit more than halfway through my contract, so I owe money. Most of it will come out of my PTO, so I'm ok there. I'll never sign another contract.

You need to do what's best for you and your future.

Did you sign anything?

Cyberkat thanx PTO is an option and I'll just have to handle the balance either way it sucks --- but hey what can I do

As for your question cocothemonkey----:o i signed a contract it was such a threatening situation-- you had to be there

Cyberkat thanx PTO is an option and I'll just have to handle the balance either way it sucks --- but hey what can I do

As for your question cocothemonkey----:o i signed a contract it was such a threatening situation-- you had to be there

Not judging you. If the situation is bad, paying them off may be money well spent.

Specializes in O.R., ED, M/S.

It almost sounds like indentured slavery. It sounds like it would be well spent money to get out while you can. Contracts are just another way for employers to force the issue of bound employment. Not always a good thing. Some employers are a bit more lenient on letting you terminate a contract, others hold you to the letter of the law. Do always what is good for you. Mike

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