Comfort and words of wisdom needed-4 days til Rutgers Nursing gives me their decision

Nursing Students Male Students


Oh my fellow nurses and nurses-to-be, this has been an agonizing five months of awaiting a decision from Rutgers Nursing to let me know if they will accept me into their undergrad nursing program.

By June 30 I should have their final decision.

I need some insight and perspective from my peers.

I was turned away last year as an applicant who was wishing to transfer from a community college, with some credits from a major university. I had a 3.85 out of a 4.0 GPA and an amazing essay.

I entered into Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences to complete my Psychology degree and planned on applying to accelerated programs this year, however, this past February, made the decision to reapply to the traditional track just in the case that they would reconsider me since I had invested a year at Rutgers by then.

I now have a 3.79 GPA, have made the Dean's list both semesters, won an Academic Excellence Award my first semester (had a 4.0), and have completed Pathophys, and Organic Biochem at RU by this past Spring.

Applications for school-to-school transfers were due by June 30, however I submitted mine on February 1.

My friends have been notified already that they were not accepted :( and put in their applications two months after I did.

Since applying, I began volunteering for the local EMS and have begun on my EMT certifications and clinicals, which I notified admissions of, so that they knew how serious I am, and so that they are aware that I am being trained in emergency care and taking vitals, etc....

I need to know where you all think I stand-- it's been a loooooooooooong road of fulfilling geneds and applying...the wait is killin me!--Five days until I hear back. Do you think that I am a definite "no", and they are waiting to release an email to me, a "maybe" because there is no word yet, or a "yes".



Congratulations on your acceptances. I am wondering were you guys accepted as sophomores or juniors? Do you know how many juniors the program accepts?

Specializes in Making people feel better.

I had been accepted as a sophomore. I don't know the situation with bringing in students as juniors. All of the students who I know that have been accepted are in the class of 2014, as it's rare that a student would have taken every lower level nursing course before transferring from another Rutgers school. Are you a current Rutgers student?

I graduated from RU and am to apply as a re-admit for Spring, then plan to apply to school of nursing for fall. I have taken most of the prereqs for the ABSN, so just need to take a few RU classes to have all the nursing prereqs done..

Specializes in Making people feel better.

Which classes are you taking? Are you going to be in NB or NWK? I'm a NB student, but I'm taking my Spring semester in NWK because it's closer to my home.

I'll be in clinicals as of next Fall, so if you're in NB, we might be in class together...

I am taking organic biochemistry in Newark this spring. My stats are incomparable to yours, however I am applying to the ABSN program which, from what I gather has less stringent admissions... I don't think I'll be accepted, but am hoping the fact Rutgers requires so many prereqs might help me (that not many will have completed them all).... Anyway congratulations.

I am taking organic biochemistry in Newark this spring. My stats are incomparable to yours, however I am applying to the ABSN program which, from what I gather has less stringent admissions... I don't think I'll be accepted, but am hoping the fact Rutgers requires so many prereqs might help me (that not many will have completed them all).... Anyway congratulations.

why would u even say u dont think you'll be accepted? speak positively my dear. i also applied and hopefully, we shall meet in class...

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