CU Nursing Essay...Need help with critical thinking question....

U.S.A. Colorado


Hi everyone! Can anyone clarify or give me any ideas relevant to answering the last question pertaining to critical thinking for the CU nursing entrance essay? I am having difficulty coming up with a relevant experience in answering this question...


Try writing about how you solved a problem. I wrote about a time I was training someone at work, and they were having trouble remembering a procedure, and how I figured out a different way to help her remember it.

It must have worked because I start in January, and my GPA was a 3.3.:)

Awesome! Thanks for your input and congrats on getting into the program!

Hi Kessie87,

I agree with Chyna016. I also wrote about a problem I solved. I helped a lady who was having a seizure, while we were waiting at a bus stop. It was a very scary situation, but I needed to be calm, and help her the best way that I could. In my essay, I just explained the steps that I used to help her. I too was accepted for January start. I hope I was some help, and I am wishing you the best!

Thank you! You guys are so helpful! This is my first time using this website and I'm very happy with how helpful and sweet you guys are. Thanks again!

Are you guys in the traditional or accelerated program? I'm trying to get into the accelerated program

I am doing the traditional program.

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