College of the canyons spring 2017

Nursing Students School Programs



i just applied to COC RN program for spring 2017 and am seeing if anyone else has also! I have also applied for moorpark and thinking about applying to Glendale as well. Should I be studying for the TEAS? I don't have a high GPA in bio (all Cs...) do I even have a chance of being accepted??

thanks for any replies ������

No problem! I know what it's like to have all these questions swirling in your brain :o I hope that this is helping you all ease your's not as scary as it seems.

I have two binders but they are 1.5 inch. Do you think they are big enough? Hard to imagine we will have enough paper to fill up a whole binder in 6 and 8 week time periods!

You will be surprised!! I filled up an entire 2” binder in 6 weeks. I tried to be tech savvy, but I like having the power points printed and there are many handouts that are given so it was easy to fill up a 2” binder. Unless, you decide to be more techy” and not print power points or your notes then you can get by with the 1.5” binder. But just wait it out and see if you need a bigger binder.

Also, use the ASG Lab to print the power points you get 15 pages back and forth free every day, and it's 10cents each additional paper. Save your $$ on ink and paper!! :yes:

To be honest those first 6 weeks are the toughest. There is ALLOT of information thrown at you from all directions, there are practicums, exams, and you go to school everyday. I know it seems impossible, but push through it. Take it one week at a time okay :laugh:

I hear so much online and from nursing students about concept maps but I don't know what they are. Is it an outline of your notes?

That's exactly it. Here is a link to a video that I found so helpful, and shows you how to make a concept map in nursing school.

Everyone has a different study style so don't feel pressured to conform to do concept maps. I was typing all notes (which is what used to work), and I found that it didn't work for me because it was too much information and I was thinking that by typing my notes I would "remember." Which didn't happen. My professor is the one who suggested concept maps, but I didn't listen (I can be stubborn lol).:sarcastic: Once I implemented the concept maps and went over them, it just clicked and I was able to remember the information. I got my first A's in my theory exams! So this is something I will continue to do.

Do you think the success class was beneficial? Is it a study time or skills practice?

Honestly no, I feel terrible for saying this but it felt like a nuisance. :sniff: We did allot of practice care plans” which you will be doing for your patients in clinicals, but it is nothing you can't figure out on your own. It was more work sheets that help you critically think” which again is something that will come to you once you are in clinicals. There was no extra practice on skills, it wasn't study time either. Just know that Success is still a working process.

If you have the time to spare, then I would encourage you to take it only because it changes every semester as the students give feedback of what should be implemented and can be improved for the following semesters. Not only will your participation help improve the success course, but it will help the following first semester students. However, if you are working full-time, have little kiddos that need you at home, then I would suggest putting that time to better use (even if Success is only 1-2 hours a week). You can do allot in those extra hours: study, cook, gym, pick up the little ones, etc.

I hope this info helps you. Any more questions, I will answer to the best of my abilities :inlove:

I am a little frustrated. So my overall 2.8 (they are only including the 2 years of undergrad) How is this right?. I am finishing up my master's currently at Pepperdine. My GPA is a 3.8. The problem is my undergrad GPA is aweful. I have taken classes at other colleges since undergrad and have done very well. My overall science GPA is a 3.4 (not great) I had 3.0, 3.5,3.5 and a 4.0. I have to take the teas 6 test. Feeling super frustrated and hopeless about having a chance

Hello!! So are you waiting to hear back from COC's program for the Spring of 2017? Or for the future

Does anyone know if shoes need to be lace up or could they be slip ons?

Does anyone know if shoes need to be lace up or could they be slip ons?

They could be both. I have a pair of slip-on Sketchers elite. Super light and comfortable...and cheap $25.

I wouldn't suggest shoes made of fabric, you run the risk of body fluids seeping into your feet! yuck :scrying:

I was thinking about the sketchers elite, but I can't find any that are all white. They have silver accents on the shoe. Is that OK?

I was thinking about the sketchers elite, but I can't find any that are all white. They have silver accents on the shoe. Is that OK?

Yes it's ok. Even nikes have the silver check mark, and the professors said it was good.

Did anybody start the reading yet?

Not yet. I am waiting for my book to arrive. How about you?

No I haven't. I bought most books already but my some of my books are previous editions (way cheaper)

so I just wanted make sure I have the correct chapters. I've already compared them but just in case.

I keep thinking I'm forgetting to do so something or gonna miss a deadline...:/

I don't think there are any more deadlines. Registration and a counseling appointment is all I have left. What did you need to know from the chapters? The topics? I can help you out when I get the book. :geek:

That would be awesome, just the name of the chapters. Thank you!!

Here's my email just in case

[email protected]

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