CNS Scope of Practice in Mississippi


Specializes in Transgender Medicine.

Hey everybody,

I just made up my mind today on what I want to pursue after my RN-BSN is finished. Either acute care CNS or Adult Health CNS. At any rate, I was trying to read up on the BON site about the scope of practice for a CNS in Mississippi, but of course it wasn't very clear... Any CNS's in Mississippi out there who can lend a hand please? Is CNS considered an advanced practice nurse? Do they have prescriptive authority? *Sigh* I've got too many questions for one post. I have read many of the posts on the CNS board to get a general idea of job functionality, which seems about as diverse as a regular RN position can be. You can do a lot of stuff in a lot of areas! At any rate, please clue me in if you have any feedback or suggestions. Thanks! :bow:

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

I agree the BON in MS is hard to follow.

The CNS is recognized, but there is nothing that I found about SOP. Only blurb was they have to have a Masters in Nursing or higher.

The three recognized APRNs in MS who have anything addressed:

  • Nurse Anesthetist
  • Nurse Practitioner (including prescription authority)
  • Certified Nurse Midwife

Will be interesting to see what you find out, Bushmashes.

And, good luck with your future advanced practice plans.

Specializes in Transgender Medicine.

I know, it's difficult. I thought maybe that they were referring to CNS when they said APN, but that's just conjecture. I don't want to get this advanced degree and then find out it's one of "those" that is so ambiguous in its SOP that no one will hire me. Sheesh...

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Exactly. Since the BON Law doesn't say, "CNS", when they are talking about Rx privileges/collaboration, etc. (only NP, CRNA, and CNM), I'd want to be certain, too. Cannot blame you at all.

Have you considered an NP program instead??

Specializes in Transgender Medicine.

I have considered it. I guess I'm kind of put off by the fact that they're going to be PhD required by the time I get to the MSN part of my schooling. I already forgot what year it's gotta be by. I just don't like to be rushed. I had wanted to do the RN-BSN in a year, and then take the MSN for up to 2 years, which would give me more time to have a bit more nursing exp under my belt by then. As it stands, I'll only have 3 years after my BSN completion, and I had wanted to have 5 years exp before becoming an APN or whatever I may be. I just don't feel it's fair to my pts if I jump to the advanced practices without a good deal of exp first. And in order to do that, I'll probably be past the deadline for the PhD requirement by then. I wonder... Are they gonna require those who have already gotten or are in the process of obtaining an APN degree to go on and get the PhD? Or will they just be grandfathered in and allowed to remain an ANP with only an MSN? Just too many ?'s up in the air for me at this moment I guess. First thing's first, though. I've still got 1 year at least before I have to start really thinking about it. Thank goodness!

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
I have considered it. I guess I'm kind of put off by the fact that they're going to be PhD required by the time I get to the MSN part of my schooling. I already forgot what year it's gotta be by. I just don't like to be rushed. I had wanted to do the RN-BSN in a year, and then take the MSN for up to 2 years, which would give me more time to have a bit more nursing exp under my belt by then. As it stands, I'll only have 3 years after my BSN completion, and I had wanted to have 5 years exp before becoming an APN or whatever I may be. I just don't feel it's fair to my pts if I jump to the advanced practices without a good deal of exp first. And in order to do that, I'll probably be past the deadline for the PhD requirement by then. I wonder... Are they gonna require those who have already gotten or are in the process of obtaining an APN degree to go on and get the PhD? Or will they just be grandfathered in and allowed to remain an ANP with only an MSN? Just too many ?'s up in the air for me at this moment I guess. First thing's first, though. I've still got 1 year at least before I have to start really thinking about it. Thank goodness!

Actually, it's the DNP, not PhD. And, it's only a "vision" for now. Sure, many programs are going to the DNP now, but as for it being a mandatory terminal degree, that's not come about. (I've been of the opinion that it will be, however). The target date "vision" is 2015.

I admire the fact you want/desire RN experience prior to going the advanced practice avenue (that's the way, IMO, it should be). Kudos to you.

Ones who are already practicing as APNs w/o the DNP will be grandfathered in. They will not be disenfranchised.

Good luck to you.

Specializes in Transgender Medicine.

Thanks for the encouragement. I didn't know it was only a "vision" for now. So maybe there will be some hope for me after all!

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