CNA Payscale


I just read that the average CNA payscale for the area I live in is $21,767 and in the lower end of the payscale the average is $19,999.

I was only making 13,824. Now I feel like I have been ripped off. Working so hard, with little help and only making 8.25 hour. I would've been making a dollar less an hour if I had just started out as a CNA at this facility. They are currently hiring but no one ever stays and I see why.

UGH how disturbing! :angryfire

Being a CNA is hard work. I'm not sure I would do it for $8./hr either (I'm an RN, but you get my drift). There are employers that pay a fair wage, and those that don't. Have you considered asking for a wage increase? I know one of our CNAs did, and they did bump up her pay because they valued her.She did have a job offer elsewhere that paid more and used that as a bargaining tool. Money isn't everything, but you can't live off $8/hr in the CA economy these days. No one would blame you for asking for a fair wage. I think the CNAs where I work make at least $12-$14/hr. Good luck!

Yes, I have asked for a pay raise numerous times and as far as I know, in over a year, all the CNA's at this particular facility have been asking for a raise for over a year and they were all just given a dollar raise in January of this year. That was and is the only raise they recieved in over 2 years. Meanwhile, all the lvn's and rn's got 2-3 dollar raises every year.

So, the minimum wage in cali is 6.75 an hour. after graduation i would've been making 7.75 but because i graduated the CNA within the time frame of the new raise, I began making 8.25 an hour which is still not that big a deal. but they are still paying their new hired cna's 7.75 an hour.

Per Diem I get $15.38 an hour w/night and weekend differential ($16.64/hr). Many of my friends work at others in the LA area, and end up with around $11/hr or so. Hope this helps!

Per Diem I get $15.38 an hour w/night and weekend differential ($16.64/hr). Many of my friends work at others in the LA area, and end up with around $11/hr or so. Hope this helps!

HI youngRNstudent! I am a new nursing student and am trying to search out where to go for my CNA license to work part-time. Can you suggest any schools or programs? Also, what do starting CNA's in LA usually make? THanks for your help, I really appreciate it....I seem to be in a dead hole searching this on this internet..

Have a great week,



I go to El Camino College which has a CNA program. If you are a nursing student who has completed the first semester of your RN program, you can work as a CNA w/o a license. If you are a nursing student already, I do not recommend getting your CNA license, but I do recommend working as a CNA (or student nurse worker). Check out some hospitals in the area and see what they offer nursing students. You may be able to do some things that are out of the scope of practice for a CNA!

HI youngRNstudent! I am a new nursing student and am trying to search out where to go for my CNA license to work part-time. Can you suggest any schools or programs? Also, what do starting CNA's in LA usually make? THanks for your help, I really appreciate it....I seem to be in a dead hole searching this on this internet..

Have a great week,


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