CNA job/CNA clinical experience requirement for nursing school



I am starting the nursing program at CCHS Fall 2010. Last summer, I took a one day CNA course with no clinical and challenged the exam, so now I am a CNA listed on the NC registry. The problem is, as I recently found out, I need a certain amount of clinical experience before I can start the nursing program. I've been trying to get a CNA job since last July, but I have not been able to because of my lack of experience.

Does anyone know of any program where I can just do the clinical portion of the class? I live in Charlotte.

Or does anyone know of any entry level CNA positions open anywhere in Charlotte or near Charlotte? I've tried to get into the CMC sytem, but it's really difficult. I'm open to working at nursing homes, hospitals, pretty much anywhere at this point! Any ideas would be appreciated!!! Time is running out soon for starting the nursing program...



if you want a cna job, apply in person at nursing homes. if you look the part you will get a job.

In Raleigh you can do just the clinicals at Thomas HealthCare. I am not sure of the cost. In addition, you should voluteer at a nursing home and see if you can some how finagle a clinical out of them once you are in the door. You might even get a job out of it if you are lucky.

Don't worry clinicals are usually only about 40 hours long you have time. Just go somewhere next week explain your situation, you may have to explain it a couple times to several facilities but since you are

1) Already on the registry

2) Admitted into a nursing program

I am sure they will want to help you out with clinicals if not a job in the future as a CNA or RN

Be assertive and fearless. Don't let this minor discrepancy prevent you from being a nurse. Make up your own clinical worksheet and have the DON sign off on it. Turn it into your program and you will be fine.


I am starting the nursing program at CCHS Fall 2010. Last summer, I took a one day CNA course with no clinical and challenged the exam, so now I am a CNA listed on the NC registry. The problem is, as I recently found out, I need a certain amount of clinical experience before I can start the nursing program. I've been trying to get a CNA job since last July, but I have not been able to because of my lack of experience.

Does anyone know of any program where I can just do the clinical portion of the class? I live in Charlotte.

Or does anyone know of any entry level CNA positions open anywhere in Charlotte or near Charlotte? I've tried to get into the CMC sytem, but it's really difficult. I'm open to working at nursing homes, hospitals, pretty much anywhere at this point! Any ideas would be appreciated!!! Time is running out soon for starting the nursing program...



Hi Elizabeth

Just Curious if you got your clinicals in? I'm a prenursing student in California and was curious as to what private schools are charging out in NC for RN school. I came across CCHS and it looks to be pretty cheap vs California schools. Can you tell me what your tuition comes out to be? Is it really only like $17,000? Good luck to you and I hope you were successful in the effort for a clinical to complete your hours.

Take Care


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