CNA ? Is it really gross and why do we have to?


I'm new to all this. I have just applied to a 2 year program and was told I have to be a CNA before my first nursing class. What exactly do they teach you and what do you do? I'm afraid it will be really gross. I know nursing won't always be easy, but don't CNA's have the icky jobs all the time? I want to do it, just to prove I can, but would like to know what I'm getting into. Do they require this to weed out the squeamish?

I start LPN school in August and I just want to say that nurses and all others in the healthcare field can really change someones life, just by truely being caring to the patient and their families.

The entire reason that I am becoming a Nurse is because there was this wonderful nurse that took care of my dad while in the ICU. To make a very long story short she was the only compassionate nurse there. She was so great with my dad and our entire family. Dad really responded to her, teased her and hugged her. He knew that as long as she was there he would be well taken care of. Despite of her and everyone elses efforts DR's etc... it became clear that my father would soon pass away. I was such a mess cause I was a daddys girl and she was just so nice to me, so caring. She even came in on here day off to see that dad was getting everything he needed to stay comfortable. Now thats dedication!!!! And when we were waiting for the machines to be disconnected she came to my family and told us that it was her privelage to have know my father and that he was such a wonderful man and that she knew that when she got to heaven he would be on the shores waving to her. Now thats one heck of a great nurse. I will NEVER EVER forget her and what she did for my family. If I can help patients and their families out in difficult situations and make such a difference in their lives all the gross stuff will be worth it.

Just my 2 cents.

I'm new to all this. I have just applied to a 2 year program and was told I have to be a CNA before my first nursing class. What exactly do they teach you and what do you do? I'm afraid it will be really gross. I know nursing won't always be easy, but don't CNA's have the icky jobs all the time? I want to do it, just to prove I can, but would like to know what I'm getting into. Do they require this to weed out the squeamish?


Scenario- You start off to your first pts room after report to start your assessments. You discover the pt who you know is disoriented has pulled out his IV, blood everywhere, and has had a BM that has now covered every square inch of the bed. What do you do? Do you just walk away and find a CNA to clean it up. I certainly hope not! You will indeed need help if it is available. But you remember you became a nurse to help others. Nursing is not about rank, it doesnt matter if you are a RN LPN or CNA, we all have to get our hands dirty to ensure the pt recieves the best possible care.

I was a CNA for a few years before becoming a RN and would not trade the experience I gained as a CNA. You should also remember as others have said before there are area's of nursing that do not have CNA's. I work in labor and delivery and its just me to clean up the mess, but I dont give it a second thought. I am a nurse and I take care of my pts like I would want to be treated.

Specializes in Long Term Care.

Scenario- You start off to your first pts room after report to start your assessments. You discover the pt who you know is disoriented has pulled out his IV, blood everywhere, and has had a BM that has now covered every square inch of the bed. What do you do? Do you just walk away and find a CNA to clean it up. I certainly hope not! You will indeed need help if it is available. But you remember you became a nurse to help others. Nursing is not about rank, it doesnt matter if you are a RN LPN or CNA, we all have to get our hands dirty to ensure the pt recieves the best possible care.

I was a CNA for a few years before becoming a RN and would not trade the experience I gained as a CNA. You should also remember as others have said before there are area's of nursing that do not have CNA's. I work in labor and delivery and its just me to clean up the mess, but I dont give it a second thought. I am a nurse and I take care of my pts like I would want to be treated.

"I AM A NURSE AND I TAKE CARE OF MY PTS LIKE I WOULD WANT TO BE TREATED" That is exactly the way I feel, treat people the way you would want to be treated. I am saying that if everyone treated each other like that, there wouldn't be any troubles in the world.


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