CNA inservices


Specializes in Gerontology, Med surg, Home Health.

Does anyone know a source of inexpensive (or better yet free) CNA inservices? I don't have the time to create my own.

Specializes in acute care and geriatric.

sometimes I get free stuff from In the Know

Specializes in acute care and geriatric.

try this from previous threads:

CNA Inservice Education/ Training for Caregivers in Long Term Care

by NRSKarenRN Staff

Updated Feb 05, 2009 at 07:25 PM by Joe V

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Found in my AM internet wanderings.

Delaware Valley Geriatric Education Center

Division of Geriatric Medicine

University of Pennsylvania

Teaching and Learning to Care: Training for Caregivers in Long Term Care (TLC for LTC) has been produced under the leadership of faculty from the University of Pennsylvania’s Schools of Medicine and Nursing in collaboration with many community based professionals and facilities.

TLC for LTC is a series of instructional modules directed to meeting the needs of Staff Development Educators (SDEs), those in long term care who are responsible for staff education, and instructors, or those who teach an individual class session.

What’s in each Module?

This electronic version of the TLC for LTC modules contain all text files, Power Point slides, and video clips needed to teach the module. Specifically they are:

* Power Point Slides for projection.

* Power Point slides with notes about the content for your use when teaching (switch view to Notes Version within Power Point).

* Video segments. Some modules contain video segments; the instructor’s notes, found in the Notes version of the Power Point slides suggest how to use the videos in relation to the other content. The video segments are designed to illustrate different cases or situations that may occur in a variety of long term care settings.

* Reproducible files containing materials for participants including a handout version of the slides, and often summary or supplementary information and tools for using the content (example: Attendance Form and Logistics checklist)

click to enlarge

Notes to Instructors Using TLC for LTC Modules

What is special about this series?

TLC for LTC:

* addresses geriatrics topics that are highly prevalent in institutional and community –based long-term care settings;

* is evidence- based on state-of-the-art research

* is concise - each module can be taught in 20-30 minute sessions;

* is designed to support quality improvement efforts

* is reusable – making the series cost-effective and useful in orienting new staff

* helps facilities meet state and JCAHO requirements

* targets a multidisciplinary audience including certified nursing assistants, dieticians, physical therapists, occupational therapists and nurses

Your Presentation:

* Because face-to-face contact time with staff is so limited, prior preparation is essential!

* Review all materials, paying special attention to the objectives and key concepts.

* PRACTICE presenting the content using the Power Point slides with Instructor Notes. We suggest that you practice the presentation two ways:

a.) straight through to make sure your presentation is consistent with the available time, and b.) pausing to practice when you feel dissatisfied with your delivery of content.

* Make sure you have sufficient copies for participants of the slide sets.

* Suggestion: Put power point slides with instructor notes in a binder to facilitate presentation.

get ideas from In The Know CNA inservices ( I have no connection with them except as a customer )

In the Know, Inc.

5501 Fortunes Ridge Drive

Durham, North Carolina 27713


I also get ideas from Medscape :

But you can be creative- I find the best inservices were hands on and not just lectures.

Our biggies are: Pressure Sores- Prevention and Healing

Restraints- the moral dilemma,

Eating Difficulties- nutritional needs of the elderly, the diabetic, the pt with Kidney failure etc. ( I do this with our dietician)

Medication updates ( whats new, etc.

End of life issues- dealing with the dying pt.

Dealing with the difficult client- and their families

Communication skills

i could go on and on

I'll let others fill in

Have fun!

rom 1214RN

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Old Dec 23, 2008, 08:26 AM

Default Re: Inservice ideas

I used to work with a creative education coordinator. She would arrange inservices where we would have to put tape over our fingertips to play cards and pick up various items so we knew what it was like to have a reduction in tactile sensation. Also had to put on eyeglasses that were smudged with vaseline to simulate glaucoma or just to see what it's like having dirty glasses that you were unable to clean yourself. Just basic ADL things that some might take for granted. Lately I've been to some good wound inservices or end of life care (hospice rep). We had an incontinence inservice and a rep came in wearing some of the products (briefs)! over clothing of course, and demo'd how to put them on herself, explained how to properly use them. We got a rep to come in and do a wound demonstration using light therapy that was interesting. Also, any inservice where there is free stuff gets good results & anything that includes auditory, visual and hands on interaction seems to stick in people's heads. Another interesting inservice is to find each other's Myer's Brigg personality style. Then all the styles can be posted or shared so they can all look up how to best communicate with other staff members superviors or peers to optimize work performance. I like inservices! Any opportunity to learn more is a good thing. Good luck!

Hope these helped

Specializes in acute care and geriatric.

BTW if you have a topic, google it and see what comes up, you never know

I also collect pamphlets from doctors offices explaining stuff like UTI's, recognizing heat stroke, nutritional advice or explaining the flu symptoms and hand them out at inservices (making copies so as not to collect 25 pamphlets from the doctors office and making a spectacle of myself)

I also invite company reps to give inservices like today a company rep from the Hoyer Lift that we use is giving an inservice regarding safe transfers (free) sometimes they bring snacks or bagels or something ( I ask in a matter of fact way- like "Can you tell me if you're bringing anything for the staff, so I will prepare tables or whatever you need,,,")

I also use movies and discussions...

Good Luck

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