Published Aug 2, 2011
2 Posts
Hello there! I am just wondering if anyone is on here that has graduated from Clover Park Technical College. It doesnt appear to be accredited by a national nursing agency- I'm just wondering if there has been any problems with people getting employment, or even getting into another school for their BSN ect after attending Clover Park? I was going to put myself on the waitlist and also apply for other places, but dont want to waste the money if its a "dead end"
Thank you!
222 Posts
I chose not to go to Clover Park although I was accepted. Their prerequisites at their school are not transferable so if you do any academic classes there you have to finish all your classes there do their LPN program, somehow find a job for a year as a LPN and then go back to Clover Park to do their RN program. They accept everyone who applies to their program who has done the prereqs and passed, there is no competitive entry into the program everyone is placed on the same waitlist. Although I know a few people who have completed their LPN program, none of them have told me they have gotten a job yet so I am not sure if going that route would be a wise idea. The staff there was always kind of stuck up and hold their program with the highest esteem but the instructors I spoke with were all really nice and down to earth. Maybe some other people feel more positively about the school though...
3 Posts
I will be attending CP for Fall 2011. I was on on the waitlist for less than a year and have only heard really great things regarding their program. My best friend graduated from South Puget Sound's nursing program and told me that the CP LPN students who transfered in to complete their second year were far more prepared than the rest of the class. If you complete your first year at CP you can take your NCLEX and then bridge into any of the other community colleges in the area (TCC, SPSCC, Pierce and so forth) I know one girl who transferred to Pierce and is now working on the Cardiac floor at Tacoma General. Another girl I met completed her first year at CP and then did the online RN program through Lower Columbia CC. She has a job at Group Health in Olympia.
The link below is all of the aproved nursing schools in Wa state: Currently CP only has an evening RN program and is in the process of changing to a more traditional 2 year program.
This link is the NCLEX passing percentages for Wa schools
Hope this info helps!
79 Posts
I went to Clover Park for my LPN 2007/2008. As an LPN I worked in ER for 2 years and now I work in Labor and Delivery. I felt very prepared coming out of the program and I am now bridging into the Pierce RN program. Going to CP has not affected my schooling or employment. I plan on continuing onto my BSN then my NNP, none of the schools have said anything about going to clover park. I have my WA state license and that is what they are looking for.
This is interesting because when I first started looking into becoming a nurse a couple of years ago, I was told by PLU that they did not take prerequisite course work from tech schools, only other universities or community or junior colleges. This gave me the impression that Clover Park Tech credits would not transfer. I was however told that if you did pre requisites at another school like Pierce or TCC then did the LPN program at CPTC you could use the combo of the two to apply to LPN-RN bridge programs. I am still on the CPTC wait list but it is quicker for me to just go to one of the schools I got accepted into this fall.
I attended the Fall 2011 orientation today and the program sounds awesome! The nursing director from TCC is also the director for Clover Park now. You can either do their LPN program, complete 500 paid hours and then start their RN program or directly bridge into another school's RN program.
1 Post
Hi wanursingstudent, I was also at orientation on Tuesday.. I am going into the LPN program too. Thanks for your posts. I will not qualify for anymore financial aid after this program so I was glad to hear that there are other options to bridge into other school's RN programs. I am going to do some research now.
Thank you for all the replies. I'm applying to Clover Park since I already have all the pre-reqs. I still need AP 2 and Micro, so I figured I would just get on the waiting list incase I dont get accepted somewhere sooner. I wrote a bunch of the schools that have ladder programs and everyone says as long as I have an LPN license, it doesnt matter where I graduated (I took my prereqs at SPSCC). Thank you everyone again :-)
Hi, I just wanted to tell forwarn anyone who plans on attending CPTC's (Clover Park Technical College) nursing program. If you are into game playing and like highschool teacher syndrome go here. A student can be 'expelled' on a whim of a teacher; their tactics are to try to get as many students expelled so there can be more room in the overcrowed classrooms. It was a complete waste of a whole year