

How many days of actual clinicals do you have a semester? I was shocked to find out that we only have FOUR! There are some that we do in lab with the SimMan, but only four times do we actually go to a workplace with real patients, one day at each of four sites. Is this common?

8am-1pm for 5 weeks 1st trimester. 2nd and 3rd trimesters 8 weeks each from 8am-1pm. 4 days for a whole semester sounds weird to me.

We had clinicals starting 2nd term...We went for 1/2 days 2 times a week then starting 3rd term we went for full days 2-3 days a week. I loved clinicals!!!!

We have 2 weeks straight of 8 hour clinical/sims lab for Fundamentals at the end of our first quarter. I don't know for sure how many clinical days we have for Med Surg 1-3 and Peds and OB, but our instructors told us we get "a lot" more clinical time for those classes than we do for Fundamentals (and it sounds right to me because the classes above us are really only at school two or three days a week, the rest of the time they are at clinical.) I go to a private school in Dallas, TX.

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