are the clinicals part of the credit hours? (Mont. College)


I have been accepted for Jan. 2011 but am debating on delaying/reapplying for Sept. 2011 due to childcare issues (my youngest is in last year of 1/2 day nursery school, in Fall will be in all day Kindergarten)...I cannot tell from reading over the info if the clinical hours are in addition to the Class/Lab hours...before I see an advisor next week thought Id query here...

thanks for any info

Tina -- I'm not exactly sure if this is what you are asking, but these are the Nursing courses you will have to take in your first semester at MC: 3 courses total -- NU 110 (Fundamentals, 8 credits) NU 123 (Assessment, 3 credits) and NU 105 (Theory, 1 credit).

NU 110 requires 4 hours of lecture each week. If its like previous semesters, this lecture will be held on Monday morning 8-12 or Monday afternoon/evening 4-8. NU 110 also requires one full day (10 hours, 7am to 5 pm) of clinical or two half days (5 hours 2 days a week mornings or evening) of clinical per week. Your day(s) and location for clinical are done by a lottery system -- pick a low number and you'll get the site/date/time you want... pick a high number and you get what's left. In addition to your clinical hours, you will have mandatory practice time for nursing skills (like wound care and urinary catheterization) averaging about 1 hour a week. This lab time has to be done on campus in the Nursing Lab. So the total hours devoted to NU 110 is at least 15 a week, plus commuting, plus reading, studying, online skills tutorials/tests and assignments related to your clinical patients (which you can do at home.)

NU 123 is a 3 hour class that also has mandatory lab time so plan another a hour a week on campus for this.

NU 105 is only 1 hour of class and is held either before or after 110.

Hope this helps and congrats on your acceptance!

when did you find out you were accepted?

2 days ago and my friend found out the day before me...via Ceritified Letter

Ooo. Interesting. I don't know the answer to your question, but congratulations!

Oops! On my post above I said "123" when I meant "121" (Assessment)

Sorry for the confusion!

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