Published Apr 15, 2012
4 members have participated
251 Posts
Hi I'm also a applicant for nclex RN too Im from CA too. Then I'm a BSN graduate last March 2009 in Phil. That time I don't have my immigrant visa yet. So I took Dec 2009 NLE but sad to say I failed it. Then Last year Aug 2011 I got my US visa and migrate in CA last Sept 2011. Then I wait for my SS and green card then let all the holidays to be end. I decide to apply for NCLEx rn this march 2012 and received my checklists of requirements and goes like this:
a. items that must come directly to the Board from your nursing school
1. clinical rotation schedule for all clinical cases completed (actual and assisted deliveries, cord dressings, major/minor procedures) reflecting exact dates clinical coursework was completed, locations rotations were completed. instructor signature. etc.
2. academic calendar which reflects exacts dates each semester, all holidays and all break begin and end
b. items to be provided by you (the applicant)
1.nursing diploma (copy)
2.US SS card (copy)
3.clear copy of entire visa / passport for 2005-2009 time frame. a copy of permanent redince card.
*My dillema is I heard and read here on that CA BON are now requiring to complete ALL THE OR/DR SCRUBS before senior year. I mean is we should finish all are cases before entering 4th yr. 3 of my friends are now facing that problem
Your reactions and opinion will help me a lot thanks :)
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Polling whether unfair or not isn't really going to do anything. The BRN is just enforcing something that has been a requirement for years but only recently have they decided to become firm
38 Posts
They should of just enforced those requirements when it came in effect years ago so there wouldn't be problems in the future.