clinical pathways

Specialties Home Health


Hi! My employer is beginning to develop clinical pathways for our home care patients. I have been asked to assist with developing these pathways. I am currently working on one for pressure ulcers. Others to come in near future are...CVA, diabetes, DJD,COPD. I l am interested in any help, info, comments, suggestions I can get. If you have info to fax please do so to 770-867-6521 c/o Leigh P.


We have been using Clinical Pathways for about two years now. I found that there was a great resistence at first among the staff, but now they truly love them! We have CHF Pathway, which is the most common nationally, COPD, THA, TKA, Maternal Child Health new mom and baby, and basic wound care. We alwalys have to remember that we need to individualize every single Pathway to meet the patients needs. We start every patient on a pathway with the above dx's, but if they are unable to achieve many of the goals, then we revise our goals for that patient along with the interventions. It works really well. One of the most negative comments in the beginning was that there was to much patient teaching and not enough related to the actual nursing interventions. After nurses started using them they discovered that they were always doing this teaching but just not documenting it.

Hello, I am also trying to create clinical pathways, I am starting on one that deals with lower extremity arterial disease, i was wondering if you had any examples of the ones you have been working on. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hello, I am also trying to create clinical pathways, I am starting on one that deals with lower extremity arterial disease, i was wondering if you had any examples of the ones you have been working on. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

where did you find a thread that was more than 8 years old? :lol2: ;)

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