Published Dec 7, 2022
Mergirlc, MSN, APRN, NP
730 Posts
Hello Ohio ?
I know there is an older topic on AN which lists some pluses/minuses about working at, and general benefits of the Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals locations in NE Ohio. I'm hoping, and crossing my fingers, somebody out there can be a little more specific. I'm just looking for an actual $$ figure of what a monthly health insurance cost would be for each. I know health insurance can have different levels/tiers, but would just like to compare what the top tier health insurance cost would be for a single person for CCF and UH.
I know benefits are only one aspect of what to look for when job hunting, but for me it's a very important one. Either of the two are places I'm considering applying to after I graduate from my FNP program. Based on the older topic, I know UH tends to cost more and offer less, but just wanted to see actual dollar amounts. If anybody out there actually has the choices list some of these hospitals put out to employees, please DM me.
Oh...and also, if anybody has info about what the 401K/403b match is for each, that would be fabulous!!
Thanks in advance, if anybody has info.