Clayton State University Fall 2017

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello! I recently applied to Clayton State's nursing program for fall 2017 and I wanted to chat with anyone on the same journey. I look forward to hearing from you. Good luck with the process!

I went for my interview yesterday Monday 27th. It was a breeze. Dr. Phillips is such a sweet lady. Just relax and do not overthink your answers. There are 10 questions and she takes less than 20 minutes. For example why u wanna become a nurse, what are your strengths, how do you deal with stress, what do u know about Clayton State Nursing program, what will you bring into the nursing field, what was the toughest time in your life and how did you deal with it, how will your life change once you become a nurse? Sorry cant rem all the questions...

I had my interview with Dr. Lane, and I think it went amazing! I did end up finding out though that the interview is only a small portion of the acceptance process. and what it really comes down to is a formula. They enter in our stats and then rank us by order of our final number from the formula. We should know 100% if we made it MAYBE by end of next week, or two weeks from now. Interviews will be done by this Friday. And then Dr. Hicks starts working on the formulas/ranking process.

Oh my! Thanks Mnewland for that info, i guess now we can only pray and wait!

I have my interview Thursday with Susan.

Did everyone have to sign a piece of paper at the end of their interview?

Yea, I did about the cost.

Hey guys, I spoke to Christy Hicks today and she told me that interviews will be ending this Friday and our acceptance/waitlist letters will be sent out on Monday, the wait is almost over y'all. Good luck!!

Oh man! Another week?? This is too much. I was crossing my fingers we'd find out this week.

Yeah I know lol but we'll find out soon

nope :( nothing in the mail or email yet.

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