City Colleges of Chicago


Is anyone attending or have graduated from any one of the city colleges of chicago?????

Yes I have. PM if you got lots of questions.


Specializes in LTC/Skilled Care/Rehab.

I am taking pre-reqs at one of the city colleges. Are you asking about nursing programs? I heard that Truman's nursing school is pretty good. It is kind of hard to get in to thought because they do a lottery and a lot of people apply there.

Specializes in none.

Is there anyone who has graduated from Olive-Harvey's nursing program, and how was it finding a job??

Let me tell you what we experienced....

CCC has a horrible, horrible nursing program

Except Malcolm X. Make sure that the nursing program is NLN accrediated. That matters alot.

Otherwise, you get the ghetto like teaching methodology like we did.

OHC nursing program did nothing for us but waste our money and time. It was a terrible, terrible, horrifying experience.

Don't Do It !!!!!!!!!!!

If the program is not NLN accrediated, you will have a difficult time getting hired at University Hospitals. Thats what I have been told anyway.

Go to a four year program instead. If you go to OHC you will be there the same amount of time anyway, but without the BSN degree. :lol2: :lol2:

OHC the instructors did not want to teach, no nursing resources available to its students- why? No body there. They charge you 450.00 per course for lab fees and the kicker is you don't get to use the lab. Why? Teachers don't have the time. Computer lab closed 80% of the time. Why? No body there.

Computer too slow, printer not working, videos too old.

Way too many things wrong with that program. The Chicago District office should be ashamed!!!

No wonder they are not NLN accrediated. What a big mess!

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